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Brine Med Care Blogs

Need for masks

Need for masks Whether or not you are showing symptoms of the coronavirus, wearing a mask can protect others as well. So masks are important

Request for masks

Request for masks Since little is known about how infectious the new virus variants are and whether there are differences in transmission, according to the

Introduction of om24

Introduction of om24: Our team at 4Protection sunscreen is the only sunscreen in the world with the active ingredient OM24. It is a clinically tested

Silk Masks

Introduction of the silk masks: Complete vaccination protection reduces the risk of contracting the coronavirus or spreading it, but it does not completely rule it


OM24® OM 24 is a highly active complex mixture on a natural basis. The antioxidant properties of OM24® neutralize free radicals, highly reactive oxygen compounds

Om24 2

Om24 Interact dynamically and in real time with your audience through a library of OM24 conversion and engagement tools that address your audience, qualify leads

FFP2 Cloth Masks

FPP2 masks The FFP2 have a filtration capacity of 92% of the particles in the air and are intended for personnel entering rooms in respiratory